Family Events Around the UK
During the University holidays, CHaOS runs hands-on science roadshows for schools and families. Our volunteers give up their free time in the Summer to travel beyond Cambridge with us and spread our enthusiasm for science all around the UK. Throughout the year, CHaOS also attends several one-day public events that are run by other charitable and educational organisations.
The CHaOS Summer Roadshow
(Late June to early August, various locations around the UK)
Every summer we take our exciting experiments and fantastic demonstrators on the road to visit towns and cities around the UK. We spend 6 or 7 weeks visiting schools, festivals, Scout Jamborees and public venues from late June to early August. The exact locations we visit vary year on year: we try to visit different locations in consecutive years to maximise the number of people who get a chance to attend our events. We see about 5,000 people every Summer and our events are free to the public thanks to the generous support of our sponsors.
We always love to hear from schools and community groups that would like us to visit, so do please get in touch if you’d like to host a visit from us. More information for schools can be found here, and you can check out our Roadshow Reports here.
Keep exploring:
Family Events in Cambridgeshire
Information about our events in and around Cambridge.
Have a go at recreating some CHaOS at home!
Back to the main Families page.
External Day Events
(Throughout the year, various locations in or near Cambridgeshire)
As well as running our own events, CHaOS volunteers often attend single-day events that are run by external organisations (previous hosts have included Girlguiding and Scouts groups, and the Institute of Physics). These typically take place during University term-time and in Cambridgeshire or neighbouring counties. Usually we send along a small team of volunteers and some fun hands-on experiments so anyone attending the event can come to us and experience some cool science!
If you are interested in hosting CHaOS at an event you are organising, please get in touch.