Crash, Bang, Squelch 2022!

Crash, Bang, Squelch!

[This page is an archive from 2022]

Crash, Bang, Squelch! is the biggest single event of the CHaOS year, taking place as part of the Cambridge Science Festival. For Crash, Bang, Squelch! CHaOS has around 30 experiments in one place, for more than 2000 visitors to see during the day. In 2022, Crash, Bang, Squelch! is taking place on Saturday 19th March 2022, and is open to the public from 10am-5pm. Like all CHaOS public events, Crash, Bang, Squelch! is absolutely free.
You can pre-book tickets to all Crash, Bang, Squelch! events, using the links below. You can also turn up on the day to try our hands-on experiments or come along to our fantastic talks.
AMAZING TALKS: click here

Please scroll down to find out more about all our events

Hands on Experiments

Come along to Crash, Bang, Squelch! to see lots of exciting hands-on science experiments! You can have go yourself and find out lots about why things work they way they do!

Our experiments will show you why hot air balloons stay up, what happens when you split water in half, how your lungs work, and much, much more…


CHaOS student volunteers are running a series of talks filled with exciting demonstrations. You will find even more crashes, bangs, and squelches, and discover all sorts of weird and wonderful science. Pre-book tickets online by clicking here
10:10-10:40Emperors, spies and seaweed: writing messages only you can read - with Ben and Matt
11:10-11:40You can be an Engineer too: designing the world around you - with Finlay
12:10-12:40 Women who rocked STEM! with Grace and Conor
13:10-13:40 Colourful creations: the science of colour - with Elizabeth
14:10-14:10 Inventing an impenetrable suit of armour - with Matt and Ben
15:10-15:40Cells and Important Tiny Blobs - with Andrew D
16:10-16:40 Vast distances in Space: How far away is that place? - with Andrew S
Children in a lecture hall listening to a talk at CBS
Getting stuck into robotics!

Robotics Workshops

CHaOS will also be running several workshops on robotics, with lots of hands-on design and programming. Absolutely no experience is required, we’ll teach you all the basics and you can start making our robots do all sorts of amazing things in no time at all. We strongly recommend you pre-book tickets for robotics workshops, as these usually run out before the day of the event: click here for tickets.

Please note that Crash, Bang, Squelch! is usually very popular – in 2022 we will be offering pre-booking for timed tickets

If you’re a student in Cambridge and are interested in helping out with Crash, Bang, Squelch!, then you might like to visit our Demonstrator information page.

Now that the building work has finished, all of our activities are fully accessible. A map of the location is shown to the left.